Brainstorm #115 (Guest Host: Beth Cato)

Beth brainstorms a near future scifi thriller of social media gone horribly wrong.

Beth Cato – author of the Clockwork Dagger tales, the Blood of Earth trilogy, the soon-to-be-released Red Dust and Dancing Horses anthology – returns to the Big Chair in the APN Virtual Studio to brainstorm a near future scifi thriller of social media gone horribly wrong.

The tale is offered up by creageous Guest Writer Owen Sessions, a world where uploaded memories can be shared and the catastrophic impact it has on the identity of a software coder. The concept is huge, the conversation inspiring and the Literary Gold abundant! Tune in and get some for yourself (and if you missed it, you gotta check out Beth’s Insight Episode!)

Guest Writer: Owen Sessions

Owen Sessions
Owen Sessions


Beth Cato
Beth Cato

Her latest anthology – Red Dust and Dancing Horses – hits fine e-stores and outlets everywhere November 7!


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