Brainstorm #120 (Guest Host: Robyn Bennis)

Robyn returns to workshop a tale of future steampunk, alien invasion, the fate of a planet

Robyn Bennis – author of “The Guns Above” and the soon to be released “By Fire Above” – returns to the Big Chair in the APN virtual studios to workshop a tale of future steampunk, alien invasion, the fate of a planet.

The tale is offered up by creageous Guest Writer, Christopher Michael, a tale of a loyal naval officer – struggling to overcome the shadows of her parents’ deeds- who is drawn into a conspiracy of global (and possibly galactic) consequences.
Marie Bilodeau rocks the co-host chair once again and together we fire up the aethyr engines, hoist the mainsail, and set course for LITERARY GOLD! (and if you missed it, you gotta check out Robyn’s Insight Episode!)

Guest Writer: Christopher Michael

Christopher Michael
Christopher Michael

Check Christopher’s Blog, plus ALL the usual places:


Robyn Bennis
Robyn Bennis

Check it out… “By Fire Above” releases in May!



Marie Bilodeau
  • A Storytelling Performance in Ottawa (featuring tales of Galileo) on March 27th
  • “Eye of Glass” just came out in China!
  • One of her stories will appear Julie Czerneda’s “Tales of Plexis” from DAW books in December

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