discovery writing

Andrea Phillips
20 Minutes with Andrea Phillips

Andrea Phillips – author of the freshly minted novel “Revision” as well as “The Adventures of Captain Lucy Smokeheart” and countless transmedia story events – understands stories differently than most of us. Her work in the storytelling business has been predominantly interactive and collaborative, spanning every media type available. She knows storytelling from every angle, not just the view from the notebook or computer screen. Her unique perspective and extensive experience makes her a truly innovative voice in the writerly arts.

Joined by the remarkable Dave Thompson as co-host, we dive deep into those mysterious waters, exploring the essence of the transmedia experience, unique perspectives on the art of discovery writing, the origins of obscure pirate curses, and more! Avast! There’s writerly goodness dead ahead! Just hoist the sails and click that PLAY button! (and tune in on Sept 29 to catch Andrea’s Workshop Episode).

CW LaSart
20 Minutes with C.W. LaSart

Award-winning author CW LaSart is serious about her storytelling. Her passion for the writerly arts is evident in the clarity and insight with which she speaks about her craft. LaSart’s “Ad Nauseam” and her contributions to to over a dozen publications and anthologies (including “Grimm Mistresses” from Ragnarok Publications) are just the first installments in her canon of tales that push the boundaries of horror.
Joined by the mighty Mike Luoma, we indulge in 20(esque) Minutes of seriously writerly exploration, uncovering some startling truths about the nature of short fiction, the dynamics of discovery writing, the key to building suspense, how much is too much in horror, and more. Great googly-moogly, gang… have your pencils poised and your seat belts strapped, then click that “PLAY” button and hold on!