
Workshop Episode 94 (Guest Host: Jake Bible)

Jake Bible – author of “Reign of Four: I”, “Dead Team Alpha”, and so much more – returns to the Big Chair at the Roundtable to lend his brainstorming mojo (literally) to workshopping a tale of zombies as you’ve never. seen them before.

The tale is offered up by Guest Writer (and fellow Onder Librum creator) AJ Hare, a story of college life, fast/slow brilliant zombies, and the challenges of overcoming the world’s expectations of you. Joined once again by co-host and author Suzzane Church, we delve into AJ’s twisted world of slackers, frat boys, and diabolical zombies, in search of sweet sweet brains… I mean, gold! Literary Gold! Which, of course, we find. The creative mayhem begins as soon as you hit that “PLAY” button!