Big News for Wonderthing & Cloning the RTP

You may have seen the news that Wonderthing Studios has announced a partnership with The Ed Greenwood Group to produce audio fiction set in their story worlds. That’s some exciting news for Wonderthing… and there’s more. I’ve been tapped to head up the podcast division of Ed Greenwood’s new project, Onder Librum (you may recall hearing him talk about it in Episode 86), a massive creative collaboration featuring FIFTEEN shared story worlds! The podcast division is called Onder Radio and it’s going to feature several shows centered around the project and the stories therein.

But what does it mean to the Roundtable Podcast?

I can assure you, nothing is going to change in the RTP feed. We’ll still drop episodes every Tuesday, we’ll still be rocking fabulous Guest Hosts and creageous Guest Writers and brainstorming the heck out of stories.

But I DID want to share that we’ll be cloning the RTP in the Onder Librum project. That’s right… brainstorming goodness continues featuring Onder Librum story worlds, creators and Lore Guardians (the editorial leads for the story worlds). It’s going to be fabulous, not only for fans of the project but for fans of the creative froth that IS the brainstorming experience.

I’ll keep you posted on developments, but I wanted to send up the flag early and let you know the amazing stuff coming down the pipeline.

Here’s some links to the goodness:

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Comments (2)

Congratulations on your new position and new responsibilities with Onder Librum, Dave! I’m sure you’ll do a fantastic job.

Thanks, Emery! It’s an amazing opportunity… especially the community of creatives being built around it. Really looking forward to creating some fabulous things with these people. 🙂

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